Outdoor Entertainment
Bring the entertainment outside with weather-resistant audio and video technology!
It’s a warm summer night. Music plays quietly in the background as you relax with friends on the deck. No speakers are visible, yet the sound seems to come from everywhere and nowhere. The surrounding landscape provides an elegant glow. It’s going to be a good night. It’s your turn to host movie night for your friends. There are too many people to have inside, but that’s okay. A projector illuminates your outdoor screen, creating a life-size picture. Hidden speakers provide powerful surround sound. The crowd gathers. The movie begins.
A/V that doesn’t care about rain, sun, snow – The finest indoor technology, outdoors
Whether you’re enjoying a pool, a hot tub, a patio, or the expanse of a beautiful lawn, there is a certain peace that comes from being outside. Why give that up to listen to music, or watch TV? Robust, all-weather TVs designed for the elements can live outdoors year round. All-weather speakers combine high fidelity with sealed enclosures to keep Mother Nature out. Don’t want to see the speakers? No problem. With wireless technology, you can access your entire audio/video library from the yard with speakers that seamlessly blend into your landscape and architecture. Bring your HD and hi-fi out into the world, and enjoy it under the stars and sun.