Classe CA-2300 Rave Review

The new Classe CA-2300 Amplifier on display in Wilshire’s Performance Audio room has received a rave review from You can read the entire review by clicking the link below:

Classe Delta Series CA-2300 Two-Channel Amplifier Reviewed

Here is an excerpt from the review:

For $7,000 the Classe Delta CA-2300 amplifier is a stunning achievement and more than just a taste of the high-end pie – in fact you’d have to spend upwards of double its asking price to better it and even then the improvements would be subtle.

The CA-2300’s midrange is seductive with an open top end that is almost perfect in my book possessing both air and extension without ever seeming harsh or brittle. The CA-2300’s bass is agile and taut though, and like the CA-2300’s midrange and treble performance, it isn’t aggressive or exaggerated – it’s just right. That really is the best way to sum up the CA-2300: it’s not the most electrifying amplifier you’ll ever hear in that it doesn’t immediately grab you and make you pay attention, but I wouldn’t call it vague, dark or romanticized either; it’s just right.

The CA-2300 is right for a lot of musical tastes and genres, it’s right for a wide variety of loudspeakers and it’s right for the money. To say that I enjoyed my time with the CA-2300 would be an understatement, for I found the CA-2300 to be one of the best high-end sounding amplifiers under $10,000 that I’ve ever heard.
